Sabtu, 31 Agustus 2013

Stars and cars of the 50's

Stars and cars of the 50'sBuy the Stars and Cars of the 50's online at Grand Prix Legends. Find a great range of motorsport books and DVDs online at Grand Prix Legends including the Stars and ,It's the new, 50th anniversary edition of this bestseller, in an accessible, high quality paperback format. Stars and Cars of the 50s highlights personalities such ,Stars and Cars of the 50s. by Edward Quinn. Certain books come across your radar that just...

Jumat, 30 Agustus 2013

Passé imparfait

Passé imparfaitDifference between Le Passé Composé and LImparfaitFor those of you just starting to learn French, Passé Composé and Imparfait may still ,In French, when speaking in the past tense, one must constantly choose between the imparfait and the passé composé. In this exercise we will focus on the formation ,This activity helps you practice choosing whether to use passé composé, imparfait, or both. You don't have to conjugate anything, just...

Kamis, 29 Agustus 2013


JONVELLE(S) Description du produitLanguage: French, English - 192 pages - duotone illustrations - Edizione bilingue inglese/francese - JONVELLE(S) est le résultat de plus de quinze années de travail ; de 1983 à 1999, Jean©François JONVELLE s'est acharné à capter et capturer cette mosaïque de regards et d'attitudes intimes que nous aimons tant chez les femmes, chez Elles. JONVELLE(S) contient quelques©unes des grandes photos de Jean©François JONVELLE...

Rabu, 28 Agustus 2013


ElleElle may refer to: Elle, Central African Republic; Elle, a fashion publication Elle, the Indian edition; Ellé, a river in France; Elle (name), a female given name,a noun suffix occurring in loanwords from French, where it originally formed diminutives, now often with a derivative sense in which the diminutive force is lost ,Beauty, Fashion, and Decor. I love anything feminine! Business Emails only please!,ELLE Magazine...

Selasa, 27 Agustus 2013

High Society: The History of America's Upper Class

High Society: The History of America's Upper ClassWith insight and nostalgia, High Society explores the intrigue of New Yorks upper-class society and culture. From Greenwich Village and the Sugar House to Stone ,Run a Quick Search on "High Society: The History of America's Upper Class" by Nick Foulkes to Browse Related Products:,High Society: The History of America's Upper Class by Nick Foulkes. (Hardcover 9782759402885),The American upper class...

Senin, 26 Agustus 2013

Eric Kroll's Fetish Girls

Eric Kroll's Fetish Girls Description du produit199pages. in4. Broché Eric Kroll's Fetish Girls (9783822818671) by Kroll, Eric and a great selection of similar New, Used and Collectible Books available now at great prices.,Eric Kroll is well known for his love for the diversity of fetish. With his photography he wants to encourage and inspire newcomers to the world of fetish.,Find best value and selection for your 1994-ERIC-KROLLS-FETISH-GIRLS-outsider-art-PHOTOGRAPHY-erotica-TASCHEN-...

Minggu, 25 Agustus 2013

Le portrait photographique

Le portrait photographique Description du produitFormat in 8 relié cartonné 94 pages avec des photographies Dossier d'AVA, Le Portrait Photographique. Introduction: Au sein de ce dossier, l'attention est portée sur le portrait photographique au sens large du terme.,EXPLOITATION PÉDAGOGIQUE Le portrait photographique de 1960 à nos jours, continuité et évolution. Le portrait photographique sest très tôt substitué au ,Portrait photographique. Je...

Sabtu, 24 Agustus 2013

Moko- Maori Tatoo

Moko- Maori TatooThey say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. In some cases, this is true. But there are situations when imitation is actually an insult, not flattery.,One of the most recognizable forms of Maori art today is ta moko, or the maori tattoo. While this form of body modification has enjoyed a resurgence in ,Ta moko - significance of Maori tattoos. Ta moko - traditional Mori tattooing, often on the face - is a taonga (treasure)...

Jumat, 23 Agustus 2013

The Dream goes over time : Edition anglais/espagnol

The Dream goes over time : Edition anglais/espagnoltraduction sales have reached an all-time high allemand, dictionnaire Anglais - Allemand, his sales talk won me over complete & unabridged, 5th edition , I naturally favour quality over localisation informatique, vérification, relecture, post-édition anglais, espagnol, italien, site Web , eg have a look, have a dream, have a good time, she nearly had the table over Apprenez langlais, lespagnol...

Kamis, 22 Agustus 2013


UP & DOWNUp The Video Game from THQ and Disney/Pixar. Adventure is out there! Journey through the treacherous jungles of South America while battling dangerous creatures and ,Meet UP's "uncommon heroes" -- alumni, faculty, and students who've made their mark in business, service, education, and sports,Up or UP may refer to: A relative direction, the opposite of "down" Contents 1 Technology 2 Places 3 Entertainment 3.1 Music 3.1.1 Albums 3.1.2...

Rabu, 21 Agustus 2013

Les vrais penseurs de notre temps

Les vrais penseurs de notre tempsLoin des discours interminables et des terminologies obscures, dans Les vrais penseurs de notre temps, Guy Sorman nous parle comme à un ami.,On lit souvent qu'au pays de Bernanos, Mauriac, Sartre et Aron les intellectuels sont devenus inaudibles dans le débat politique national. Ceux qui font ce procès ,Read the book Les Vrais Penseurs De Notre Temps by Guy Sorman online or Preview the book, service provided by Openisbn...

Selasa, 20 Agustus 2013

August Sander

August SanderAugust Sander Press release Prices vary. Please contact us for details. all photographs ©August Sander Archive,August Sander / Biography & Images art resources related historical, modern and cultural fine art themes.,August Sander [German Photographer, 1876-1964] Guide to pictures of works by August Sander in art museum sites and image archives worldwide.,August Sander (17 November 1876 20 April 1964) was a German portrait and...

Senin, 19 Agustus 2013

Claxton, Jazz seen

Claxton, Jazz seenJazz Seen Claxton, William Koln: Taschen, 1999. Hardcover. 4to. Text block adhesive loosened from spine; good- in very good lightly rubbed dustjacket.,Save on ISBN 9783822878682. has Jazz Seen by William Claxton and over 50 million more used, rare, and out-of-print books.,Jazz Seen by Don Heckman,William Claxton and a great selection of similar Used, New and Collectible Books available now at,Wiliam Claxton...

Minggu, 18 Agustus 2013

Franco Vaccari. Photomatic e altre storie

Franco Vaccari. Photomatic e altre storie Description du produitLanguage: English, italian - 120 pages - color and duotone illustrations - Autore fra i primi in Italia a usare la fotografia in un contesto di ampio respiro, Franco Vaccari è uno dei più acuti sperimentatori del linguaggio artistico. Le sue opere e i suoi saggi costituiscono un fondamentale contributo all'arte concettuale. La caratteristica dei suoi lavori (il più famoso, "Esposizioni...

Sabtu, 17 Agustus 2013

Dennis Hopper: Photographs, 1961-1967

Dennis Hopper: Photographs, 1961-1967Information Dennis Hopper: Photographs 1961-1967, is published by Taschen Each of the 1,500 limited-edition copies comes signed and numbered by Hopper.,Find great deals on eBay for Dennis Hopper Photographs in Books About Nonfiction. Dennis Hopper: Photographs 1961-1967 Book New, Sealed Hardcover Rare Taschen.,The many worlds of Dennis Hopper. A reluctant icon captures a decade of cultural transformation. Standard...

Jumat, 16 Agustus 2013

Iain Mckell the new gypsies /anglais

Iain Mckell the new gypsies /anglaisLe photographe anglais Iain McKell sintéresse depuis des années aux tribus de nos sociétés modernes. Dans New Gypsies, il nous livre un reportage sur une ,The New Gypsies by Iain McKell, with essays by Val Williams and Ezmeralda Sanger is published by Prestel and out now. Iain McKell, ,Iain McKell photographs 'The New Gypsies' By dpreview staff on Oct 20, 2013 at 12:00 GMT Tweet: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5 13: Iain McKell...

Kamis, 15 Agustus 2013

Des gens sans importance

Des gens sans importanceAn overview of Des gens sans importance, including cast and credit details, a review summary, and more.,JEAN GABIN DES GENS SANS IMPORTANCE HENRI VERNEUIL,Des gens sans importance [Jurgenson Luba Romanov Panteleimon] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. 191pages. in8. broché.,Director Henri Verneuil co-adapted Des Gens Sans Importance from a novel by Serge Groussard. The title translates to People of No Importance,...